İngilizce Dersleri 9

English USA Lesson 9, Part 1
Writer: Maurice Imhoof
Producer: Frank Beardsley
Turkish: Hülya Polat

In the next English USA lesson you will learn to follow requests and polite commands, and to request information politely.

Bu derste ricalar ve nazik emir yapılarını görecek, kibarca nasil bilgi edirnmek isteyebileceğinizi öğreneceksiniz.


2. OPENING This is English USA, on VOA. Now, Lesson 9, Part 1.

3. Martin Learner's car has been stolen. He reports it to the police. In today's lesson you will learn to understand requests and polite commands.

Martin Learner’ın otomobili çalınıyor. Martin polise haber veriyor. Bugünkü derste ricaları anlama ve nazik emirler verme pratiği yapacaksınız.



6. MARTIN: Hello! Hello! Is this the police? Hello. What? Is this the police? Good. I'm Martin Learner. Martin, M-A-R-T-I-N. Learner, L-E-A-R-N-E-R. Yes. Martin Learner! What? My car. . . My car is missing! Missing! It is not here! At the hotel. The Denver Hotel. My car is not here! Come to the police station?? O.K.



9. DESK CLERK: Good morning, Mr. Learner. May I help you?

10. MARTIN: I'm going to the police.

11. CLERK: About your car?

12. MARTIN: Yes. Where is the police station?

13. CLERK: The police station!? I don't know. Wait a moment.


15. CLERK: Mr. Hudson. Where is the police station? It's Mr. Learner. His car is missing. Thank you, Mr. Hudson.


17. CLERK: The Police Station is on Johnson Street.

18. MARTIN: Where is Johnson Street?

19. CLERK: Go straight ahead for three streets. That's Johnson Street. Turn left.

20. MUSIC -

21. POLICEWOMAN: Tell me where you live, please.

22. MARTIN: I live at fourteen-twenty-seven Grant Street. Baltimore, Maryland.


24. WOMAN: Fourteen-twenty-seven Grant Street, Baltimore, Maryland. Give me your phone number.

25. MARTIN: Four-oh-one, five-five-five, six-seven-two-nine.


27. WOMAN: Please show me your driver's license.

28. MARTIN: Here.

29. WOMAN: O.K.


31. WOMAN: Tell me what happened.

32. MARTIN: I went to the garage to get my car. I'm going home today. I'm a reporter--

33. WOMAN: Stop! Slow down. Now, begin again.

34. DETECTIVE: Good morning, Nikki.

35. WOMAN: Good morning, Sam. Come here. This is Detective Sam Brook. Sam, this is Mr. Learner.

36. DETECTIVE: I'm looking into your missing car.

37. WOMAN: Sit down, Sam.

38. MUSIC -

1. Let's listen again to some of the sentences used by the Policewoman.

Şimdi gelin, kadın polisin kullandığı cümlelerden bazılarını tekrar dinleyelim.

2. WOMAN: Tell me where you live. Give me your phone number. Show me your driver's license. Tell me what happened. Stop. Slow down. Begin again. Come here. Sit down.

3. These sentences are requests by the speaker, in this case the policewoman, for action to be carried out by the listener. Such requests or commands begin with an action word and are very important in many situations. For example, at a police station or office.

Bu rica cümleleri kadın polis tarafından yapılıyor ve dinleyen kişinin istenen işleri yapması gerekiyor. Bu tür ricalar ve emirler eylem bildiren bir fiille başlar ve birçok durumda yapılması istenen işin ne kadar önemli olduğunu gösterir.

4. WOMAN: Come here. Sit down. Look at the paper. Spell your name. Write your name. Give me your phone number. Tell me what happened. Come. Sit. Look. Spell. Write. Give. Tell.

1.You might hear or read these requests on the street.

Bu ricaları sokakta duyabilir veya okuyabilirsiniz.

2. MARTIN: Stop. Go. Walk. Cross. Look out. Move along.

3. It's important to learn some of these action words. Write them and study the meanings.

Bu eylem fiillerinin bazılarını öğrenmek çok önemlidir. Bunları yazın ve anlamlarını çalışın.

4. MARTIN: Stop. Go. Come. Stand. Sit. Walk. Turn. Look. Tell. Give. Show. Write.


6. You have been listening to VOA's English USA, Lesson 9, Part 1. In this lesson, you heard Martin Learner at the police station where he responded to requests to give information about his missing car.

7. MUSIC -

English USA - Lesson 9, Part 2
Writer: Maurice Imhoof
Producer: Frank Beardsley
Turkish : Hülya Polat

In the next English USA lesson, you will learn some common requests in English and how to respond to them, sometimes with actions and sometimes with words.

1. MUSIC -

2. OPENING: This is English USA, on VOA. Now, Lesson 9, Part 2.

3. In this lesson, you will learn to respond to requests or instructions. Listen to Martin Learner at the police station. Sometimes Martin responds by speaking, sometimes he responds through actions.

Bu derste, rica ve emirlere cevap vermeyi öğreneceksiniz. Polis karakolunda Martin Learner’ın neler söylediğini dinleyin. Martin kimi zaman konuşarak cevap veriyor, kimi zaman da istenen işi yapıyor.


5. DETECTIVE: O.K., Mr. Learner. Where are you from?

6. MARTIN: I'm from Baltimore, Maryland. I'm a reporter. I write stories for radio.

7. DETECTIVE: Where are you going?

8. MARTIN: I'm going to Baltimore. I'm going home.

9. DETECTIVE: I lived in Maryland. I studied at the University of Maryland. I study in Denver now.

10. POLICEWOMAN: Excuse me, Mr. Learner. Read this.

11. MARTIN: Martin Learner. Fourteen-twenty-seven Grant Street, Baltimore, Maryland. Telephone, four-oh-one, five-five-five, six-seven-two-nine.

1. WOMAN: O.K.?

2. MARTIN: Yes.

3. WOMAN: Sign you name here. And sign here.

4. MUSIC -

5. Let's listen to part of the conversation at the police station again. Some requests require you to speak.

Karakolda geçen konuşmanın bir bölümünü tekrar dinleyelim. Bazı ricalar cevap vermenizi gerektirecek.

6. WOMAN: Tell me your name.

7. MARTIN: Martin Learner.

8. WOMAN: Spell your name.

9. MARTIN: Martin, M-A-R-T-I-N. Learner, L-E-A-R-N-E-R.

10. WOMAN: Give me your phone number.

11. MARTIN: Four-oh-one, five-five-five, six-seven- two-nine.

12. Can you give the information requested?

İstenen bilgileri verebilir misiniz?

13. WOMAN: Tell me your name.

14. MUSIC -

15. WOMAN: Spell your name.

16. MUSIC -

17. WOMAN: Give me your phone number.

18. MUSIC -

19. Many requests do not require speech but do require action. Understanding these requests and responding appropriately is important in learning still more English. You might hear these requests in a classroom.

Ricaların çoğu cevap gerektirmez, istenen işi yapmanız yeterli olur. Bu ricaları doğru anlamak ve uygun karşılığı vermek İngilizce öğrenmenizi kolaylaştırır. Bu ricaların çoğunu bir sınıf ortamında da duyabilirsiniz.

1. MAN: Stand up. Sit down. Open your books. Look at me. Read your books. Write the answers. Stand. Sit. Open. Look. Read. Write.

2. Write these words and study their meanings.

Bu kelimeleri yazın ve anlamlarını çalışın.

3. MARTIN: Stop. Go. Come. Stand. Sit. Walk. Turn. Look. Tell. Give. Show. Write.

4. DETECTIVE: O.K., Mr. Learner. Pick up your driver's license. We're going.

5. MARTIN: Where are we going?

6. DETECTIVE: We're going to the hotel. We're going to find your car.

7. MARTIN: My car is not there. It's missing.

8. DETECTIVE: I know, I know. But I'm going to look.

9. WOMAN: Take your coat.

10. MARTIN: Thank you.

11. MUSIC –

12. DETECTIVE: Tell me the color of your car.

13. MARTIN: It's blue.

14. DETECTIVE: Tell me what kind of car.

15. MARTIN: It's a Ford.

16. DETECTIVE: Give me your keys. Wait here. I'm going to look for your car.

1. MUSIC -

2. DETECTIVE: There is no blue Ford.

3. MARTIN: I know! It's not here. It's missing.

4. DETECTIVE: First I looked upstairs. Then I looked downstairs.

5. MARTIN: I looked upstairs. And I looked downstairs. It's missing!

6. MUSIC -

7. Let's listen to some parts of conversations in Lesson 9. They show the use of present time action words and the past time of those same words.

9’uncu derste geçen bazı konuşmaları tekrar dinleyelim. Bu konuşmalar şimdiki zamanlı eylem fiillerinin nasıl kullanıldığını ve bu fiillerin geçmiş zaman çekimlerini öğrenmenizi sağlayacak.

8. MARTIN: I live in Baltimore, Maryland.

9. DETECTIVE: I lived in Maryland. I studied at the University of Maryland. I study in Denver now.

10. DETECTIVE: I'm going to look for your car.

11. MARTIN: I looked upstairs. I looked downstairs.

1. Remember that one way to talk about events in the past is to change the endings of action words. "Live. Lived. Study. Studied. Look. Looked." Listen to these sentences again.

Geçmişte yaşanan olayları anlatmanın bir yolunun eylem fiillerinin sonlarını değiştirmek olduğunu hatırlayın. Live-lived.(yaşamak-yaşadım) Study-studied.(okumak-okudum) Look-looked.(Bakmak-baktım) örneklerinde olduğu gibi. Bu cümleleri tekrar dinleyin.

2. MARTIN: I live in Baltimore, Maryland.

3. DETECTIVE: I lived in Maryland.

4. DETECTIVE: I study in Denver now. I studied at the University of Maryland.

5. DETECTIVE: I'm going to look for your car.

6. MARTIN: I looked upstairs.

7. Here are some more useful action words. Write them and study the meanings.

Şimdi işinize çok yarayacak başka eylem fiilleri veriyoruz. Bunları yazın ve anlamlarını çalışın.

8. MARTIN: Take. Wait. Open. Close.

9. Can you respond to the following requests?

Bu ricalara karşılık verebilir misiniz?

10. WOMAN: Tell me your name.

11. MUSIC -

12. WOMAN: Write your name.

13. MUSIC -

1. MUSIC -

2. You have been listening to VOA's English USA, Lesson 9, Part 2. In this lesson you have learned some useful action words for responding to requests. In the next lesson Martin regains his car and continues his trip.

English USA dizimizin 9’uncu dersini dinlediniz. Bu derste ricalara cevap vermekte kullanabileceğiniz bazı yararlı eylem fiillerini ve bunlara karşılık vermeyi öğrendiniz. Bundan sonraki derste Martin Learner, gezisine devam edecek.

3. MUSIC -