
İngilizce Dersleri 32




In this English USA lesson, Martin Learner is at home with his family in the evening. They talk about activities each is taking part in. You will learn to understand general and specific times of events and activities, and to state specific times at which you do things.

Bu derste Martin Learner akşamı evinde, ailesiyle birlikte geçiriyor. Herkes birbirine gününü nasıl geçirdiğini anlatıyor. Olaylar ve yapılan işlerle ilgili olarak genel ve belirli zaman söyleme pratiği gerçekleştirecek,ne zaman ne yaptığınızı söyleme alışıtırmalarıyla tekrar yapacaksınız.

İngilizce Dersleri 32
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1.This is English USA, on the Voice of America. Now, Lesson 32, Part 1.

2. Today you will learn to give the specific time of events and activities. Martin Learner is at home with his family talking about when things are going to happen.

3. EILEEN: Did you finish your work?

4. MARTIN: Yes, I did. Where are the children?

5. EILEEN: Sue is reading. Alan is dressing.

6. MARTIN: Dressing?

7. EILEEN: For the party. He's going to a party tonight.

8. MARTIN: Oh, yes. That's right. When is the party?

9. EILEEN: The party begins at ten o'clock.

10. MARTIN: Is he dressing now? It's only seven o'clock.

11. EILEEN: I know. But he's dressing. The party is important. Martin, are you going to take Sue to the movies tomorrow?

12. MARTIN: I can. Does she want to go tomorrow?

13. EILEEN: Yes, she does. When is your meeting tomorrow?

14. MARTIN: In the morning.

15. EILEEN: When is the meeting?

16. MARTIN: At eleven o'clock.

17. EILEEN: Can you go to the movies in the afternoon?

18. MARTIN: Yes, I can. When?

19. EILEEN: At four o'clock.


21. EILEEN: Sue wants to go to Jennifer's house tomorrow. She can go in the morning.

22. MARTIN: When is dinner?

23. EILEEN: You didn't eat lunch. Do you want dinner?

24. MARTIN: Very much!

25. EILEEN: Dinner is at seven-thirty.

26. SUE: Hi. May I come in?

27. MARTIN: Of course.

28. SUE: Did you finish your work?

29. MARTIN: Yes, I did.

30. SUE: Can we go to the movies tomorrow?

31. MARTIN: Yes, we can.

32. SUE: When?

33. MARTIN: In the afternoon.

34. SUE: Can we go at six o'clock? I want to go to Jennifer's house.

35. MARTIN: That's very late. You have school on Monday. Let's go at four o'clock.

36. SUE: When can I go to Jennifer's house?

37. EILEEN: You can go to Jennifer's house in the morning.

38. SUE: May I phone Jennifer now?

39. EILEEN: No. It's time for dinner.

40. SUE: When may I phone her?

41. EILEEN: After dinner.

42. SUE: When is dinner?

43. EILEEN: At seven-thirty.

44. MARTIN: In a few minutes.

45. SUE: OK. I'm going to read.

46. EILEEN: I'm going to finish dinner. Come help me.


48. Time can be stated in a general way or by giving a specific time. First, listen to some general times. These are usually periods of time.

Zaman söylerken genel bir ifade kullanabileceğiniz gibi, belirli bir saat, gün, tarih verebilirsiniz.Önce genel kullanımları dinleyin.

49. EILEEN: Tonight.


50. MARTIN: In the morning.

51. EILEEN: In the afternoon.

52. MARTIN: On Monday.

53. EILEEN: After dinner.

54. MARTIN: In a few minutes.

55. Now, listen to some specific times. These are often stated as a number followed by "o'clock," / saat meaning according to the clock.

Şimdi belirli bir saat verme örneklerini dinleyin. Önce satin kaç olduğunu gösteren bir sayı verip ardından “o’clock” deyin.8 o’clock/ saat 8 örneğindeki gibi.

56. MARTIN: At seven o'clock.

At eleven o'clock.

57. EILEEN: At four o'clock.

At seven-thirty.

58. SUE: At six o'clock.

59. MARTIN: At four o'clock.

60. Can you answer the following questions by giving a specific time?

Şimdi vereceğimiz sorulara belirli bir saat söyleyerek cevap vermeyi deneyin.

61. MARTIN: When do you go to work?

62. MARTIN: When do you eat lunch?

63. MARTIN: When do you shop?

64. EILEEN: I'm going to call the children.

65. MARTIN: I'm going to get some water.

66. EILEEN: OK. Alan! Sue!

67. You have been listening to VOA's English USA, Lesson 32, Part 1. In the next lesson, you will continue to use specific times.





In the next English USA lesson, Martin Learner is at home with his family in the evening. They talk about activities each is taking part in. You will learn to state specific times of events and activities, and learn to understand ways of stating general time.

This is English USA, on the Voice of America. Now, Lesson 32, Part 2.

1.Today you will learn to give the specific time of events. Martin Learner is at home with his family in the evening.

Bu derste Martin Learner akşam evde ailesiyle konuşuyor, birbirlerine gün boyunca yaptıkları işleri ve ne zaman yaptıklarını anlatıyorlar.

2.EILEEN: Did you finish your book, Sue?

3. SUE: Yes, I did.

4. ALAN: Did you like it? I read that book four years ago.

5. SUE: Yes, I liked it.

6. ALAN: That book is for boys.

7. SUE: No, it isn't.

8. ALAN: Yes, it is.

9. EILEEN: No, it isn't, Alan. I read that book many years ago.

10. ALAN: Dad?

11. MARTIN: Don't ask me. I don't want to say. I read it too. Alan, when are you coming home?

12. ALAN: In the morning. At nine o'clock.

13. EILEEN: Are you going to have breakfast?

14. ALAN: Yes.

15. EILEEN: When are you going to have breakfast?

16. ALAN: We're going to have breakfast there, in the morning. When is your meeting, dad?

17. MARTIN: The meeting is at eleven o'clock.

18. ALAN: May I come home at eleven o'clock? You can meet me at the Itoh's house.

19. MARTIN: No. You come home at nine o'clock. I want you to come before my meeting.

20. ALAN: OK.

21. SUE: Alan, can you come to the movies with us?

22. ALAN: When are you going to the movies?

23. SUE: At four o'clock.

24. ALAN: What movie are you going to see?

25. SUE: We're going to see the Walt Disney movie.

26. ALAN: That's for children.

27. SUE: Daddy's going with me.

28. ALAN: I don't want to see a movie for children.

29. EILEEN: Alan, it's not for children.

30. ALAN: I have to study in the afternoon.

31. SUE: Can you study in the evening?

32. ALAN: I have to study in the afternoon and in the evening.

33. SUE: When are you going to study?

34. ALAN: I'm going to study after lunch and after dinner.

35. EILEEN: When are you going to work?

36. ALAN: I'm not going to work tomorrow. I have to work on Monday.

37. EILEEN: When are you going to work on Monday?

38. ALAN: At seven-thirty.

39. MARTIN: In the evening?

40. ALAN: No. In the morning.

41. EILEEN: Before school?

42. ALAN: Of course. I'm going to work at seven-thirty and then I'm going to school at eight-thirty.

43. MARTIN: I don't like you to work in the morning.

44. ALAN: I'm going to work only this week.

45. Remember there are many phrases that express general times. Listen to some examples again.

Unutmayın, geniş zaman belirten birçok kullanım şekli vardır. Şimdi bazı örnekleri tekrar veriyoruz. Dikkatle dinleyin.

46. ALAN: Four years ago.

47. EILEEN: Many years ago.

48. ALAN: In the morning.

49. MARTIN: Before my meeting.

50. ALAN: In the afternoon.

In the evening.

After lunch.

After dinner.


On Monday.

51. EILEEN: Before school

52. ALAN: This week.

53. Now, listen to some specific times.

Şimdi kesin zaman belirten kullanımları dinleyin.

54. ALAN: At nine o'clock.

55. MARTIN: At eleven o'clock.

56. SUE: At four o'clock

57. ALAN: At seven-thirty. At eight-thirty.

58. Notice that when we give a specific time on the hour, we say "o'clock." When we give a fraction of an hour, the easiest way to say the time is give the hour, then give the number of minutes after the hour. For example "seven-thirty." Now, can you give specific times for the following questions?

Saat başlarını söylerken rakamdan sonra saat anlamına gelen “o’clock” kelimesini kullanmaya dikkat ediyoruz. Saat ve dakika söylemek istediğimiz zaman saat ve dakika belirten rakamları arka arkaya kullanmak en kolay yoldur. Örneğin saatin yedi buçuk olduğunu söylemek için 7:30, seven-thirty denir.

59. MARTIN: When do you go to work?

60. MARTIN: When do you eat?

61.You have been listening to VOA's English USA, Lesson 32, Part 2. Please join us for the next lesson.

32’nci ders de burada sona eriyor. 33’üncü derste Martin Learner işyerinde arkadaşlarıyla sohbet edecek.