
İngilizce Dersleri 30


In the next English USA lesson, Martin Learner interviews a university football coach during the half-time break at a football game. They talk about what the coach wants to happen during the game and in his future coaching. You will learn to discuss what you want.

Bu derste Martin Learner bir maç sırasında bir üniversitenin futbol takımının antrenörüyle söyleşi yapacak. Sohbet sırasında antrenör maçın nasıl ilerlemesini istediğini ve mesleğinde gelecekte ilgili planlarını anlatacak. Ne yapmak istediğinizi nasıl anlatabileceğinizi göreceksiniz.

İngilizce Dersleri 30
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1. This is English USA, on the Voice of America. Today, hear Lesson 30, Part 1.

2. In today's lesson you will learn to use questions and answers about what you want. Martin visit with a university football coach in the locker room at game half-time.

Bu derste yapmak istediğiniz şeylerle ilgili soru sorma ve bu sorulara cevap verme pratiği yapacaksınız. Martin, oyuncuların soyunma odasında ünivcersitenin futbol antrenörüyle konuşacak.

3. MARTIN: Coach Havranek, thanks for meeting with me. May I ask you some questions?

4. COACH: Yes. I have about ten minutes now.

5. MARTIN: The team looks very good. Are you happy?

6. COACH: Yes, I'm very happy. The game is too slow. I want to see more action, but I'm happy.

7. MARTIN: I don't want to talk only about this game. I want to talk about coaching.


9. MARTIN: Did you want to be a university football coach?

10. COACH: First, I wanted to be a professional football player.

11. MARTIN: Did you play professional football?

12. COACH: I played for two years.

13. MARTIN: What happened?

14. COACH: I broke my leg.

15. MARTIN: In a football game?

16. COACH: No, in an accident. I fell out of a tree.

17. MARTIN: A tree?!

18. COACH: It's funny now. But it wasn't funny then. I was playing with my children. I wanted to get a ball in the tree. I went up the tree, and the limb broke. I broke my leg in three pieces.

19. MARTIN: And no more football.

20. COACH: That's right. I wanted to play, but my wife didn't want me to play. My leg wasn't good.

21. MARTIN: Now you're a coach.

22. COACH: It's funny. I played football for 10 years. I never had an accident.

23. MARTIN: Do you like coaching?

24. COACH: Very much. I wanted to play football. But I like coaching very much. I'm very happy.

25. MARTIN: You played professional football. You coach university football. Did you want to coach professional football?

26. COACH: No. I wanted to work with younger men. First, I wanted to coach high school football. I like to work with young men and women.

27. MARTIN: Did you want to teach?

28. COACH: Coaching is teaching. I wanted to see the young men and women grow. I liked to watch my children grow, and I wanted to watch other children grow.

29. MARTIN: Do girls play football?

30. COACH: My girls did. They were very good. Some schools have football for boys and girls.

31. MARTIN: You wanted to coach high school, but you are coaching university men now.

32. COACH: That's right. The university wanted me. They asked me.

33. MARTIN: What do you want to see this year?

34. COACH: I want to see my men grow. We're going to work very hard.

35. MARTIN: What do you mean "grow?"

36. COACH: They were good last year. I want them to learn. I want them to become better.

37. MARTIN: They look good.

38. COACH: They are good. I want them to become better.


40. In an earlier lesson, we talked about wanting things. For example "I want a new shirt. I want a new dress." In this lesson, we talk about wanting events or actions to take place. Listen to some examples from the lesson.

Daha önceki derslerde birşey istemek üzerinde durmuştuk. “I want a new shirt. I want a new dress./Yeni bir gömlek istiyorum. Yeni bir elbise istiyorum.” Bu tür örnekler vermiştik. Bu derste yapmak isitedikleriniz veya olmasını istediğiniz olaylar üzerinde duracağız. Bazı örnekleri tekrarlayalım.

41. MARTIN: I want to talk about coaching. I want to talk.

42. COACH: I wanted to get a ball. I wanted to get.

43. COACH: I wanted to play football. I wanted to play.

44. COACH: I wanted to work with younger men. I wanted to work.

45. Can you answer questions about what you want to happen?

Olmasını istediğiniz şeylerle ilgili sorulara cevap verebilir misiniz?

46. MARTIN: Do you want to play football?

47. MARTIN: Did you want to go shopping?

48. MARTIN: Do you want to buy some new clothes?

49. COACH: Excuse me, Martin. I want to talk to the team now.

50. MARTIN: Thanks, see you later.

You have been listening to VOA's English USA, Lesson 30, Part 1. In Part 2, , you will learn to talk about things you want.


In the next English USA lesson, Martin Learner talks with a football coach about what he wants his team to do. You will learn to explain what you want.

30’uncu dersin ikinci bölümünde, Martin Learner futbol antrenörüyle yapmak istediği işler konusunda konuşmaya devam edecek.

1. This is English USA, on thee Voice of America. Today, Lesson 30, Part 2.

2. In today's lesson, you will learn to tell others what you want to do or what you want to happen. Martin interviews a football coach about his work and his team.

Bu derste Martin Learner antrenöre mesleği, çalışmaları ve takımıyla ilgili sorular sormaya devam ediyor.

3. MARTIN: That was a wonderful game, coach Havranek. Are you happy?

4. COACH: I'm very happy! I wanted to win, and we did!

5. MARTIN: Was this an important game?

6. COACH: Yes, it was an important game. It was the first game this year. That's very important. It's important to win the first game.

7. MARTIN: What did you want to learn in this game?

8. COACH: I wanted to learn where we have problems. I wanted to see the new men play. I wanted to know the men better.

9. MARTIN: Weren't the men all good?

10. COACH: They were good. I want them to be better. I want them to be very good.

11. MARTIN: What did you see?

12. COACH: I saw some slow men. I saw some men with problems. I want to work very hard tomorrow. I want the men to work hard. We're going to work tomorrow.

13. MARTIN: What are you going to do?

14. COACH: I want to practice, practice, practice.

15. MARTIN: What do you want to practice?

16. COACH: I want to practice running. The team is very slow. They can't run fast. I want them to run very fast.

17. MARTIN: What are you going to do?

18. COACH: We are going to run every day. And we're going to talk. We're going to look at the game. I want to look at the game on video.

19. MARTIN: Can the team be better?

20. COACH: Of course. They can be better. They can grow.

21. MARTIN: Do you like coaching?

22. COACH: Of course. I love coaching.

23. MARTIN: Do you want to coach here?

24. COACH: Yes. I like coaching here at the university.

25. MARTIN: What do you want to do in five years?

26. COACH: Coach.

27. MARTIN: Do you want to coach here?

28. COACH: Yes.

29. MARTIN: What do you want to do in ten years?

30. COACH: Coach.

31. MARTIN: Here?

32. COACH: I don't know. I want to coach high school. I want to teach younger boys and girls.

33. MARTIN: Do you want to live here?

34. COACH: I want to see in ten years. I want a small school. I want to know every boy and girl.

35. MARTIN: Are you going to coach football?

36. COACH: I can teach many sports. I like football, but I know soccer, baseball, softball. I know many sports.

37. MARTIN: Can you teach basketball?

38. COACH: I don't want to teach basketball. I don't like basketball.

39. MARTIN: You're a very good coach.

40. COACH: Thank you. I had good teams. I had good men.

41. Listen to the coach again as he explains some of the things he wants to do.

Antrenörün, yapmak istediği bazı işleri açıkladığı cümleleri tekrar dinleyin.

42. MARTIN: What did you want to learn?

43. COACH: I wanted to see the new men. I wanted to know the men better. I want them to be better. I want them to be very good.

44. MARTIN: What do you want to practice?

45. COACH: I want to practice running?

46. Can you tell Martin what you want to do?

Martin’e ne yapmak istediğinizi söyleyebilir misiniz?

47. MARTIN: What do you want to buy?

48. MARTIN: What do you want to play?

49. MARTIN: What do you want to see?

50. MARTIN: What do you want to do?

51. PLAYER: Excuse me, coach. We're going to a party. Do you want to come?

52. COACH: I don't know. Martin, do you want to go to a party?

53. MARTIN: I want to talk. Can we talk at the party?

54. COACH: I don't know. Where are we going?

55. PLAYER: We're going to the River Hotel.

56. COACH: Who is going?

57. PLAYER: I don't know. The team. All the players.

58. COACH: We can talk at the hotel.

59. MARTIN: I want to come.

60. COACH: Good. I'm going to Fort Worth tomorrow. We can talk tonight. Let's go.

61. MARTIN: Thanks.

62. COACH: Do you have a car?

63. MARTIN: Yes, I do.

64. COACH: Let's take your car.

65. You have been listening to VOA's English USA, Lesson 30, Part 2. Please join us for the next lesson.

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