In the next English USA lesson, Martin Learner talks with his wife. They discuss the kinds of items they want to buy. You will learn to answer questions about items that you want.
English USA dizimizin 29’uncu dersinde Martin Learner eşiyle konuşacak. Alışverişe çıkan çift ne almak istedikleri hakkında sohbet edecek. Bu konuda soru sorma ve soruları yanıtlama pratiği yapacaksınız.
1.This is English USA, on the Voice of America. Today, hear Lesson 29, Part 1.
2. In today's lesson, you will learn to talk about the things you want to have. Martin talks with his wife about some of the things they want to buy.
3. EILEEN: Let's walk on this street. I want to buy a new dress.
4. MARTIN: Do you want a dress for work?
5. EILEEN: Yes, I want a dress for the office.
Stop. Look at that dress in the window.
Do you like that dress?
6. MARTIN: No, I don't. It's too green. I don't like green dresses.
7. EILEEN: OK. Let's look over there.
8. MARTIN: Do you like green?
9. EILEEN: Green dresses? I don't know. Sometimes.
10. MARTIN: I want to buy a shirt.
11. EILEEN: Do you want a shirt for work?
12. MARTIN: No, I want a shirt for tennis.
13. EILEEN: Do you want a white shirt?
14. MARTIN: I don't know. No, I don't like white.
15. EILEEN: What color do you want?
16. MARTIN: I don't know. What don't you like?
17. EILEEN: I don't like red tennis shirts. I like blue or green. Do you like green shirts?
18. MARTIN: No, I don't. I like blue.
19. EILEEN: Let's look for blue.
20. EILEEN: Oh, look! See those yellow pants?
21. MARTIN: In the window? Yes, I see them.
22. EILEEN: Do you like them?
23. MARTIN: Yes, I do. Do you want those pants?
24. EILEEN: I don't know.
25. MARTIN: Do you want them for work?
26. EILEEN: Do you really like them?
27. MARTIN: They're OK.
28. EILEEN: OK? You don't like them.
29. MARTIN: Yes, I do. I really like them? Let's go inside.
30. CLERK : May I help you?
31. EILEEN: I want to buy some yellow pants.
32. CLERK : Here. Look at these.
33. EILEEN: No, I don't like those.
34. CLERK : Do you want another color? These green pants are very beautiful.
35. EILEEN: No, thank you. My husband doesn't like green.
36. MARTIN: I like green.
37. EILEEN: You didn't like the green dress.
38. MARTIN: That's right. I didn't like the green dress. But I like green.
39. CLERK: Do you like these green pants?
40. MARTIN: They're OK.
41. EILEEN: He doesn't like them.
42. MARTIN: Do you like them?
43. EILEEN: No, I don't. I don't like them for work.
44. CLERK: Do you want another color?
45. EILEEN: I like the yellow pants in the window.
46. CLERK : Oh, yes. They are very nice. Wait a minute please. I'm going to get them for you.
47. EILEEN: Do you really like them, Martin?
48. MARTIN: Yes, I do.
49. EILEEN: Do you like them for the office?
50. MARTIN: I don't know.
51. EILEEN: I don't like them for the office. Thank you very much. I'm going to look some more.
52. CLERK: You're welcome.
53. İngilizce’de "like" [sevmek] ve "want" [istemek] yapı olarak benzer kullanılır. Ancak anlamları farklıdır. "I like to play tennis" (Tenis oynamayı severim] deyince tenis oynamak isitediğinizi belirtmiş olursunuz. Oysa "I want to play tennis" [Tenis oynamak istiyorum] o işi yapmak istediğinizi gösterir. Ne isitediğinizle ilgili soruları cevaplandırabilir misiniz?
54. MARTIN: Do you want to buy a shirt?
55. MARTIN: Do you want to buy a dress?
56. MARTIN: Do you want red pants?
57. MARTIN: Do you want yellow pants?
58. MARTIN: Let's look on this street. Do you see that store? I bought some clothes there last year.
59. EILEEN: Oh, I like those shirts. Let's go inside.
60. You have been listening to VOA's English USA, Lesson 29, Part 1. In the next lesson, you will learn to tell what you want.
In the next English USA lesson, Martin Learner and his wife are shopping. They talk about what they want to buy. You will learn to explain what you want to other people.
29’uncu dersin ikinci bölümünde Martin Learner eşiyle birlikte giyecek alışverişine devam edecek. Kendi aralarında ne satın almak istediklerini konuşacaklar ve isteklerini satıcıya anlatmaya çalışacaklar.
1.This is English USA, on the Voice of America. Today, Lesson 29, Part 2.
2. In today's lesson, you will learn to explain to others what you want. Martin Learner and his wife talk about what they want to buy while they are shopping for clothes.
3. CLERK : May I help you?
4. MARTIN: I want to buy a shirt.
5. CLERK : Do you want a dress shirt or a casual shirt?
6. MARTIN : I want a tennis shirt.
7. CLERK : Casual shirts are over here. Come with me please.
8. MARTIN : I want a blue shirt.
9. CLERK : The blue shirts are here. Do you like these?
10. MARTIN : I don't know. Do you like these, Eileen?
11. EILEEN : Not very much.
12. CLERK : I have some very nice blue and white shirts. Do you like these?
13. MARTIN: Yes, I do. I like these very much.
14. EILEEN : They're very nice. Look at this one. Do you like it?
15. MARTIN : It has too much white. I want a shirt with more blue.
16. EILEEN: This one? Do you like it?
17. CLERK : I like it. It's very nice.
18. MARTIN : Yes, I like it. I want to buy this shirt.
19. CLERK : OK. Come with me.
20. MARTIN: Do you want to buy a dress or pants?
21. EILEEN : I want to buy a dress. Let's look upstairs.
22. MARTIN : Do you want me to come with you?
23. EILEEN : Of course. I want you to look too. I want you to help.
24. MARTIN : Where are we going?
25. EILEEN : Over there. See those dresses. Come with me.
26. MARTIN : There are too many dresses!
27. CLERK : Hello.
28. EILEEN : Hello.
29. CLERK : May I help you?
30. EILEEN : I want to look at dresses. I want to buy a dress for the office.
31. CLERK : These dresses are very beautiful.
32. EILEEN : This is my size.
33. CLERK : What color do you want?
34. EILEEN : I don't know. Any color. My husband doesn't like green.
35. MARTIN : I like green.
36. EILEEN : You didn't like that green dress.
37. MARTIN : I know. I didn't like that green dress in the window.
38. CLERK : You don't want green. Do you like yellow?
39. EILEEN : Yes, I like yellow.
40. CLERK : Does your husband like yellow?
41. EILEEN : Martin?
42. MARTIN : Yes, I like yellow?
43. CLERK : This is a very nice black and white dress.
44. MARTIN : I like that very much.
45. EILEEN : I'm going to try it.
46. MARTIN : Good.
47. EILEEN : I want a pair of pants too.
48. CLERK : What color do you want?
49. EILEEN : Brown or black.
50. MARTIN : Do you want two pairs of pants?
51. CLERK : Do you want one brown pair and one black pair?
52. EILEEN : No, I want only one pair. I want to look at these.
53. Listen to some sentences again as Martin and Eileen talk about things they want.
Martin ve Eileen arasında geçen, ne almak istediklerini konu alan konuşmayı tekrar dinleyin.
54. MARTIN : I want to buy a shirt. What do you want to buy?
55. EILEEN : I want to buy a new dress. Do you want a casual shirt?
56. MARTIN : Yes, I want a tennis shirt. Do you want a dress for the office?
57. Can you tell Martin what you want?
58. MARTIN : I want a new shirt. What do you want?
59. MARTIN : Eileen wants to buy a new dress. What do you want to buy?
60. MARTIN : She wants brown or black pants. What color do you want?
61. MARTIN : I want some coffee.
62. EILEEN : I want some coffee too.
63. MARTIN : I want to find a coffee shop. Do you see one?
64. EILEEN : There is a coffee shop on Tenth Street.
65. MARTIN : Where is Tenth Street?
66. EILEEN : Straight ahead.
67. MARTIN : Do you want to go there?
68. EILEEN : Of course. They have very good cake too. I want some cake. Do you like your new shirt?
69. MARTIN : Yes, I like it. I want to wear it next week. I'm going to play tennis on Thursday evening. I'm going to wear it then.
70. You have been listening to VOA's English USA, Lesson 29, Part 2. Please join us for the next lesson.
English USA’de 29’uncu ders de burada sona eriyor. 30’uncu derste yine birlikte olmak umuduyla hoşçakalın.