
İngilizce Dersleri 36


In the next English USA lesson, Martin Learner attends a demonstration on a university campus about the environment. He asks when events are taking place. You will learn to ask at what general time events and activities take place.

English USA dizimizin bu dersinde Martin Learner, bir üniversite kampüsünde çevreyele ilgili olarak yapılan gösteriyi izleyecek. Öğrencilere gösterinin ve ilgili etkinliklerin ne zaman yapıldığını soracak. Olaylarla ilgili genel zaman kullanımlarını tekrarlama fırsatı bulacaksınız.

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1.This is English USA, on the Voice of America. Now, Lesson 36, Part 1.

2. Today you will learn to ask at what general time events take place and to understand the answers. Martin attends a demonstration about the environment on a university campus.

3. MARTIN: Hello. I'm Martin Learner. I'm a reporter. Who are you?

4. NANCY: I'm Nancy Kibelstis.

5. MARTIN: May I talk to you? I want to ask some questions.

6. NANCY: Maybe.

7. MARTIN: Are you a student?

8. NANCY: Yes.

9. MARTIN: What are you studying?

10. NANCY: Elementary education.

11. MARTIN: Are you going to be a teacher?

12. NANCY: Of course.

13. JACKIE: Good morning. I'm Jackie.

14. MARTIN: What are you doing here, Jackie?

15. JACKIE: I'm a student. I'm studying history.

16. MARTIN: What are you doing here today?

17. JACKIE: Oh. We're demonstrating.

18. MARTIN: When is the demonstration?

19. JACKIE: In the afternoon.

20. NANCY: No, it isn't. It's this morning.

21. MARTIN: Let's ask those students.

22. CARA: Good morning. I'm Cara Gutierrez. I'm a reporter. May I ask you some questions?

23. VINCE: OK. Where are you from?

24. CARA: I'm a reporter for the Voice of America. Who are you?

25. VINCE: I'm Vince Anzalone.

26. CARA: Are you a student?

27. VINCE: Yes. I'm a student at the university.

28. CARA: Are you a student at this university?

29. VINCE: Of course.

30. CARA: Are all these people students?

31. VINCE: Yes. They are not all from this university.

32. CARA: Where are they from?

33. VINCE: I don't know.

34. CARA: What are you studying?

35. VINCE: I'm studying biology.

36. CARA: What is this demonstration?

37. VINCE: It's about pollution.

38. CARA: What do you mean?

39. VINCE: Pollution. You know--pollution.

40. CARA: What kind of pollution?

41. VINCE: Environmental pollution. Pollution in the river.

42. CARA: When is the demonstration?

43. VINCE: It's now. This is the demonstration.

44. CARA: What are the students going to do?

45. VINCE: They're going to talk. They're going to sing. Some are going to speak. Some are going to read things. They're going to demonstrate.

46. CARA: When is someone going to speak?

47. VINCE: Before lunch. Maybe after lunch too.

48. CARA: Are they going to the river?

49. VINCE: Yes. We're going to walk to the river. We're going to look at the pollution.

50. CARA: When are you going to the river?

51. VINCE: At twelve o'clock. We want everyone to see the river.

52. When we ask someone for a general time, we usually begin the question in English with "When." For example "When is the demonstration?" Listen to some examples.

Karşımızdaki kişiye genel bir zaman sormak için çoğunlukla sorumuza “When”, “Ne Zaman” kullanarak başlarız. Örneğin "When is the demonstration?" “Gösteri ne zaman?” deriz. Şimdi vereceğimiz örnekleri dinleyin.

53. MARTIN: When is the demonstration?

54. NANCY: In the afternoon.

55. JACKIE: No, it isn't. It's in the morning.

56. CARA: When is the demonstration?

57. VINCE: It's now.

58. CARA: When are you going to the river?

59. VINCE: At twelve o'clock.

60. Notice that the answers to "when" questions can be either general or specific. "In the afternoon. At twelve o'clock." Can you ask Martin "when" questions after his statements?

“When”le başlayan sorulara verilen cevaplar çok genel olabileceği gibi bir saat de bildirebilir. "In the afternoon.” Öğleden sonra.. At twelve o'clock." Saat 12’de örneklerinde olduğu gibi. Martin’in cümlesinden sonra ona “when”le başlayan bir soru sorabilir misiniz?

61. MARTIN: We are going to a demonstration.

62. MARTIN: We are going to the river.

63. CARA: Hello, Martin.

64. MARTIN: Hello. When is the demonstration? I've been talking to some students. They don't know.

65. CARA: I talked to one student. The demonstration is now. This is the demonstration.

66. You have been listening to VOA's English USA, Lesson 36, Part 1.

English USA’de 36’ncı dersin birinci bölümünü dinlediniz. Dersin ikinci bölümünde bu konuda daha fazla pratik yapma imkanı bulacaksınız.


In the next English USA lesson, Martin Learner and his colleague Cara attend a demonstration about environmental pollution. The demonstration is being held on a university campus. You will learn to ask further questions about the time of events and activities.

36’ncı dersin ikinci bölümünde Martin Learner ve meslektaşı Cara çevreyle ilgili bir gösteriye katılacak. Gösteri bir üniversitenin kampüsünde yapılıyor. Olaylarla etkinliklerin zamanını ve saatini sorma alıştırmalarına devam edeceksiniz.

1. This is English USA, on the Voice of America. Now, Lesson 36, Part 2.

2. Today you will continue to practice asking questions about the general time events take place. Martin Learner attends a demonstration and asks about the time of events.

3. MARTIN: What are you doing?

4. PETE: I'm demonstrating.

5. MARTIN: What's that?

6. PETE: It's a story. It's a story about pollution. It's a story about the river. The river was clean.

7. MARTIN: When was the river clean?

8. PETE: Many years ago. Now the environment is polluted. Here, read the story.

9. MARTIN: The river is polluted.

10. PETE: Of course. Our environment is polluted.

11. MARTIN: What are you going to do?

12. PETE: We're going to clean it up.

13. MARTIN: You're going to clean up the river?

14. PETE: We're going to clean up everything.

15. MARTIN: When are you going to clean up the river?

16. PETE: This year.

17. CARA: Hi. I'm Cara. Who are you?

18. HEATHER: I'm Heather.

19. ALISHA: I'm Alisha. Are you a student?

20. CARA: No, I'm a reporter.

21. HEATHER: Good. Where are you from?

22. CARA: Washington.

23. HEATHER: What newspaper are you from?

24. CARA: I'm not from a newspaper. I'm from the Voice of America. I write for radio.

25. ALISHA: What are you doing here?

26. CARA: I want to talk to students. I want to write a story about the demonstration. What are you doing here?

27. HEATHER: We're demonstrating! I don't like pollution!

28. ALISHA: Look at the river. It's polluted. I want to clean up the river.

29. CARA: What are you going to do?

30. ALISHA: We're going to work. We're going to talk.

31. HEATHER: And write. And speak.

32. MARTIN: Hello, Cara. This is Vince. He's going to show me the river. Can you come?

33. CARA: Yes. This is Heather. And this is Alisha.

34. ALL: Hello. Hi. I'm happy to meet you. Are you a student here?

35. CARA: May I come with you?

36. VINCE: Of course. Do you want to come?

37. HEATHER: I can't. I'm going to meet someone.

38. ALISHA: When are you going to meet them?

39. HEATHER: Before lunch.

40. VINCE: Come with us. We're going to come back.

41. HEATHER: When are you going to come back?

42. VINCE: In a few minutes.

43. CARA: I want to see the river.

44. ALISHA: We want to clean up the river.

45. HEATHER: We want to clean up the city. We want to clean up everything.

46. VINCE: We have to clean up the environment.

47. The answer to a question about time beginning with "When" is often answered with a general time. Listen to these questions and answers.

“When”, “Ne zaman”la başlayan bir soruya daha çok genel bir zaman belirtilerek cevap verilir. Şimdi örnek soru ve cevapları dinleyin.

48. MARTIN: When was the river clean?

49. PETE: Many years ago.

50. MARTIN: When are you going to clean up the river?

51. PETE: This year.

52. ALISHA: When are you going to meet them?

53. HEATHER: Before lunch.

54. Can you ask "when" questions after each of the following statements?

Aşağıdaki cümlelerden sonra “when”, “ne zaman”la başlayan sorular sorabilir misiniz?

55. MARTIN: They are going to the demonstration.

56. MARTIN: They are going to the river.

57. MARTIN: They are going to speak about pollution.

58. MARTIN: They are going to clean up the environment.

59. PETE: Someone is going to speak.

60. CARA: When are they going to speak?

61. PETE: I don't know. Maybe after lunch.

62. HEATHER: There are going to be four or five speeches.

63. ALISHA: When?

64. HEATHER: Some in the morning, and some in the afternoon.

65. You have been listening to VOA's English USA, Lesson 36, Part 2. Please join us for the next lesson.

Amerika’nın Sesi tarafından hazırlanan English USA dil dersimizde 36’ncı dersi tamamladık. 37’nci derste yine birlikte olmak umuduyla hoşçakalın.